Happy New Year – The Flu is Here!
The CDC reports high levels of flu throughout most of the US, with flu A (H1N1 and H3N2) as the predominant strains circulating. The CDC provides a nice time-lapse map of how quickly the flu has expanded during December here.

This timing is not unexpected given the prior respiratory seasons and recent holiday gatherings. It has mirrored prior years aside from the Covid years:

Most are familiar with the flu symptoms of sudden onset of fever, chills, muscle aches, headache, nasal congestion, sore throat and cough. Other viruses such as Covid and RSV, and bacteria, such as Strep, can have similar symptoms.
Flu shots are still the most effective tool we have to protect against the flu and it is never too late to receive it, even now. Regular hand washing and staying home if you are sick also helps in reducing the spread. Antivirals may be used, the sooner (<48hrs) the better, although new guidelines suggests those at higher risk (age, immunocompromised, pulmonary conditions) may benefit from antivirals even after 48hrs.
Have a healthy New Year from Spectrum, D&Y, AccessNurse, xyz!