What’s Old is New Again: Measles

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Oh, for all the things from yesteryear that are coming back again…

We’ve seen this from bell bottom jeans and vinyl records to Star Wars movies. In medicine, however, we’re seeing some infections making a return into the public and healthcare community’s eye.

Measles, also known as “Rubeola,” has been in the news lately because of its re-emergence—most notably in the New York City area. This recent outbreak has been strong enough to prompt the State of New York legislation to eliminate religious exemptions from immunizations.

Due to the efficacy of immunizations, many practitioners have not seen Measles, so here are some key points about the disease:

If you receive calls regarding possible Measles, it is important to refer them to their health care practitioner for evaluation, diagnosis, and health department contact. Given the possible need for quarantine and to limit possible spread of the disease to others, it is preferred to call your health care provider’s office first for instructions.

Most health care practitioners will probably get calls regarding immunizations, and most patients will believe they have already had it, although they will not be able to remember or have their records handy.  Below are some key points about immunizations:

If not certain of your status, blood work can be performed to prove immunity, or a single dose of MMR can be given.

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Chow Joseph MD e1559684938751

Joseph Chow, MD, is the Adult Medical Director for AccessNurse and serves on the QI Committee where he oversees all call center quality improvement initiatives. He is board-certified in family practice and provides executive guidance to the clinical risk management programs.

Karen Brown serves as Vice President of Strategic Growth and Client Relations for AccessNurse. In her role, Karen applies her operational knowledge and passion for clinical excellence and patient experience as a consultant to potential clients. She works with clients to understand their objectives and advises on AccessNurse’s services to add value to our client organizations.